Immune system and postpartum depression linked?
The immune system might play an important role in the development of postpartum depression after a stressful pregnancy, new research suggests.
The immune system might play an important role in the development of postpartum depression after a stressful pregnancy, new research suggests.
Computer algorithms are playing a growing role in analyzing hydrophone audio data when monitoring marine life, but human listeners can complement and enhance these algorithms. A project known as Orcas..
In a Veterans Affairs study, a humanmade compound based on a brain hormone spurred the growth of cancer in Petri dishes but enigmatically had the opposite effect in mice. The compound and others like ..
A new immunotherapy screening prototype can quickly create individualized cancer treatments that will allow physicians to effectively target tumors without the side effects of standard cancer drugs.
The number of overdose deaths involving methamphetamines and amphetamines in the state of Ohio increased more than 5,000 percent over the course of eight years, according to new data.
Adolescent marijuana use may alter how neurons function in brain areas engaged in decision-making, planning and self-control, according to researchers.
How ideas move through academia may depend on where those ideas come from as much as their quality, a new study suggests.
In 1811 and 1812, the region around New Madrid, Missouri, experienced a number of major earthquakes. The final and largest earthquake in this sequence occurred on the Reelfoot fault, and temporarily c..
Many of today's methods of purifying water rely on filters and chemicals that need regular replenishing or maintenance. Millions of people, however, live in areas with limited access to such mate..
STOP! This is illegal. You may be monitored and fined. Did that get your attention? Good. Because according to a new study, this phrasing coupled with a graphic of a computer and download symbol with ..