Your emergency isn’t MY emergency
The monitoring console for this data center is lit up like a Christmas tree when this IT pilot fish arrives at work one morning.
“We found out there was a power outage,” fish reports. “The UPS did kic..
The monitoring console for this data center is lit up like a Christmas tree when this IT pilot fish arrives at work one morning.
“We found out there was a power outage,” fish reports. “The UPS did kic..
I’ve spent most of the last decade using cellular routers as my sole connection for work. On trains I’ve stayed connected to the office while others crawled along on congested Wi-Fi. I’ve used mobile ..
Blink and you might miss some of the most interesting developments around Docker these days. Aside from progress on Docker itself, many other useful projects have been built on top of Docker or been e..
Kelly Stirman is the VP of Strategy and CMO at Dremio.
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(Insider Story)
NativeScript, a framework for native mobile application development leveraging JavaScript technologies, now has Version 5.0 available.
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(Insider Story)
Researchers document that woodland hawks — once in precipitous decline due to pollution, persecution and habitat loss — have become firmly established in even the starkest urban environments, thrivi..
Even a Category 4 hurricane doesn't kill the mood for coastal fish — and that's good news for all species, as well as for a multibillion-dollar recreational fishing industry. As extreme wea..
Hearing has long been suspected as being 'on' all the time — even in our sleep. Now scientists are reporting results on what is heard and not heard during sleep and what that might mean for..
The prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting among girls up to the age of 14 has fallen sharply in most regions of Africa over the past three decades, reveals a new analysis.
Summer birth and hours spent playing computer games are linked to a heightened risk of developing short or near sightedness (myopia) in childhood, indicates a twin study.