A 3-D-printed phantom head
Phantoms are not just ghostly figures of our imagination, they are also numerical or physical models that represent human characteristics and provide an inexpensive way to test electromagnetic applica..
Phantoms are not just ghostly figures of our imagination, they are also numerical or physical models that represent human characteristics and provide an inexpensive way to test electromagnetic applica..
Nanoparticles derived from green mango peel could be the key to remediating oil sludge in contaminated soil according to new research.
One of the things I typically spend time doing after holidays and birthdays is helping family members with new PCs, which invariably these days come with Windows 10. I notice one thing in common acros..
Each year, InfoWorld’s Bossies (Best of Open Source Software awards) recognize the best open source software for businesses and professional users. InfoWorld’s central mission has always been to ident..
Researchers have developed a method for quantitatively assessing atherosclerotic plaque buildup in mice. They transplanted X-ray-irradiated low-density-lipoprotein-knockout mice with bone marrow cells..
In a long-term study, marine scientists for the first time observed the colonization of a deep-sea mud volcano after its eruption. Only slowly, rich life develops around the crater. The first settlers..
Zoologists exposed hundreds of burying beetles to two levels of parental care, for 13 generations. The researchers found that when parents fed meat to their babies' mouth-to-mouth, the larvae evo..
Green algae that evolved to tolerate hostile and fluctuating conditions in salt marshes and inland salt flats are expected to survive climate change, thanks to hardy genes they stole from bacteria.
It is arguably one of Apple’s smallest products, but the Apple Watch is also going to have a big impact on several industries, from health to payments and beyond. This is even more apparent with Apple..
On Thursday, researchers disclosed a vulnerability in Apple's Device Enrollment Program (DEP) that could allow malicious actors to compromise a corporate network. The issue, however, is more a pr..