For years, I thought the violent film noir Angels with Filthy Souls featured in Home Alone was real. I would look for it at my local video store in the pre-Internet days, curious to learn more about the beef between its mysterious characters, Johnny and Snakes. Eventually, I learned that Angels with Filthy Souls didn’t actually exist — it was made specifically for the movie. But that kicked off a fascination with fake movies within movies, and if you share that fascination, you’re about to hit the motherlode.

Web designer Lynn Fisher has created an amazing new website called Nestflix, a fake streaming site that looks like Netflix but features tiles devoted to over 400 fake movies and TV shows that have popped up in other movies and TV shows. Take a look at some of our favorite entries below.

Sure, you could scroll through a Wikipedia list of “films featuring fictional films” or glaze over a myriad of top 10 blog posts celebrating the most obvious selections that meet these criteria. But why would you want to when Nestflix exists?

This slick site has a familiar look, with everything broken everything into specific categories (“Action Movies,” “Criminal Justice Reality TV,” “Game Shows with a Bit of Danger!”) and a page devoted to each entry that contains a description of the fake movie or show and multiple images from it, if available.

Fisher has also gathered a handful of “collections” devoted to a single fake performer or franchise, such as the Rick Dalton collection (with posters for every Rick Dalton movie seen in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood), the Jump Street collection (with the great end-credits gag from 22 Jump Street featuring all of the fake sequels that never materialized), the Lucas Lee collection (featuring posters of every fake movie Chris Evans’ Scott Pilgrim vs. The World character stars in), and:

Some of My Favorite Nestflix Entries

The Duelling Cavalier, from Singin’ in the Rain

The Truman Show, from The Truman Show

The Case, from Super 8

Yo Teach…!, from Funny People

Sunrise Bay, from Schitt’s Creek

Why Fisher would spend what must have been an inordinate amount of time to put this together, I have no idea, but I thank her for her service. This is not only an incredible resource for movie and TV lovers, but it’s also an amazing distraction that will surely provide days’ worth of entertainment as I click around until my heart’s content. Oh, and if you don’t see one of your favorites, you can fill out a form and Fisher just might add your entry.

We salute you, Lynn Fisher. Well done.

The post Check Out Nestflix, A Netflix Copycat Featuring All the Fake Movies within Movies & TV Shows appeared first on /Film.