How can you reliably spot a fake smile? Ask a computer
Real and fake smiles can be tricky to tell apart, but researchers have now developed computer software that can spot false facial expressions.
Real and fake smiles can be tricky to tell apart, but researchers have now developed computer software that can spot false facial expressions.
The study shows that during the embryonic development of the brain, the cells that are between adjacent segments detect the mechanical forces generated during morphogenesis to regulate the balance bet..
The global price of ivory increased tenfold since its 1989 trade ban by the Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), new research has found.
Fifty years after the first landing on the Moon, scientists have combined new geochemical information to determine the Moon's age using samples from different Apollo missions.
Researchers are connecting climate change to stormwater management, with the goal of increasing resiliency to major storm events. In a new case study, researchers examine two distinct watersheds and d..
What can fish teach scientists about limb regeneration? Quite a bit, as it turns out. In the current issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Michigan State University scientists show..
A study has identified multiple locations in the human genome related to the risk of re-experiencing traumatic memories, the most distinctive symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder.
Babies show empathy for a bullied victim at only six months of age, according to researchers.
Solar cells and light sensing technologies could be made more efficient by taking advantage of an unusual property due to deformations and defects in their structures.
Researchers demonstrated a new method for transmitting quantum information over long distances by using circularly polarized light to flip the spin state of an electron on a quantum dot. This work may..