Immune system discovery could aid quest for stem cell therapies
Scientists have discovered how stem cells can develop resistance against viruses, a finding that could aid the development of stem cell therapies.
Scientists have discovered how stem cells can develop resistance against viruses, a finding that could aid the development of stem cell therapies.
What a long, strange trip it's been.
From its inaugural release to today, Android has transformed visually, conceptually and functionally — time and time again. Google's mobile operating sys..
The fruit fly mushroom body contains three groups of neurons that produce dopamine. Two of them work together to process aversive memories, a new study shows.
The launch of a big Windows 10 update like the October 2018 Update isn’t the end of a process — it’s really just the beginning. As soon as a major update is released, Microsoft quickly gets to work on..
India in 2015 had more deaths among children under five than any other country and had large disparities in the under-five mortality rate between richer and poorer states, according to a new study.
Researchers demonstrate how skyrmions can be used for future computer concepts that are closer to how the human brain works.
Small, hardy planets packed with dense elements have the best chance of avoiding being crushed and swallowed up when their host star dies, new research has found.
Researchers describe a hitherto unknown bird from the late Jurassic period. It is the second bird capable of flight, after the famous Archaeopteryx, to be identified from this era.
Nerve cells derived from human stem cells often serve as the basis for research into brain diseases. However, these cells differ considerably in their quality and produce varying results. Scientists a..
Researchers say those who have a history of an eating disorder, obsessive-compulsive traits, dieting, poor body image, and a drive for thinness are more likely to develop a pathological obsession with..