Diabetes drug may reverse heart failure
Researchers have demonstrated that the recently developed antidiabetic drug empagliflozin can treat and reverse the progression of heart failure in non-diabetic animal models. Their study also shows t..
Researchers have demonstrated that the recently developed antidiabetic drug empagliflozin can treat and reverse the progression of heart failure in non-diabetic animal models. Their study also shows t..
Neuroscientists report that two areas of the mouse brain combine representations of what is heard and anticipated, guiding behavior that leads mice to the best reward.
This incredible image of the hourglass-shaped Southern Crab Nebula was taken to mark the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's 29th anniversary in space. The nebula, created by a binary star system, ..
Cold temperatures inside honey bee colonies may cause colony losses during and after long-distance hauling, according to a preliminary study.
History can tell us a lot about the Crusades, the series of religious wars fought between 1095 and 1291, in which Christian invaders tried to claim the Near East. But the DNA of nine 13th century Crus..
For the first time, researchers have successfully 3D printed chalcogenide glass, a unique material used to make optical components that operate at mid-infrared wavelengths. The ability to 3D print thi..
Our apparent ability to see the intent in other's behavior leads us to cling to our false judgements.
Sorry, Siri, but just giving a chatbot a human name or adding humanlike features to its avatar might not be enough to win over a user if the device fails to maintain a conversational back-and-forth wi..
In 2000, measles was declared to be eliminated in the United States. Today, the US and many other countries are experiencing outbreaks of measles because of declines in measles vaccine coverage. Witho..
Embracing the uncertainty of deadlines could be key to more successful projects, researchers have found.