Human settlements in Amazonia much older than previously thought
Humans settled in southwestern Amazonia and even experimented with agriculture much earlier than previously thought, according to an international team of researchers.
Humans settled in southwestern Amazonia and even experimented with agriculture much earlier than previously thought, according to an international team of researchers.
Bioengineers report the first demonstration of a robot able to navigate autonomously inside the body. In an animal model of cardiac valve repair, the team programmed a robotic catheter to find its way..
A state-of-the-art brain-machine interface created by neuroscientists can generate natural-sounding synthetic speech by using brain activity to control a virtual vocal tract — an anatomically detaile..
Researchers describe a new set of 'rules' that predict how the tissue of origin influences critical aspects of the genetic makeup of tumors, with potentially important therapeutic implicatio..
Consumption of propionate, a food ingredient that's widely used in baked goods, animal feeds, and artificial flavorings, appears to increase levels of several hormones that are associated with ri..
An international team of researchers used an X-ray laser to create the first detailed maps of two melatonin receptors that tell our bodies when to go to sleep or wake up and guide other biological pro..
Scientists have come up with a new way of analyzing sand in mountain rivers to determine the activity of landslides upstream, which has important implications for understanding natural hazards in moun..
Two years ago a team of scientists visited Costa Rica's subduction zone, where the ocean floor sinks beneath the continent and volcanoes tower above the surface. They wanted to find out if microb..
Scientists used a compound found in a shrub native to Africa to reveal the three major shapes of the serotonin transporter, a protein in the brain linked to anxiety and depression. The discovery opens..
Using human cancer cells, tumor and blood samples from cancer patients, researchers have uncovered the role of a neurotransmitter in the spread of aggressive cancers. Neurotransmitters are chemical &#..