Acute flaccid myelitis requires galvanized research response
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) presents significant challenges not only to patients but also to researchers, and efforts must be accelerated to learn more about the condition.
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) presents significant challenges not only to patients but also to researchers, and efforts must be accelerated to learn more about the condition.
International plans to restore forests to combat global warming are flawed and will fall far short of meeting 1.5C climate targets, according to new research.
Wood-boring clams are tiny clams that eat (and live in) sunken wood at the bottom of the ocean, and they have long, tube-shaped organs that they use to breathe called siphons sticking out of their she..
Nature has evolved protein-based substances with mechanical properties that rival even the best synthetic materials. Pound for pound, spider silk is stronger and tougher than steel. But unlike steel, ..
Traditional surgery to reshape a nose or ear entails cutting, sometimes followed by long recovery times and scars. Now, researchers have developed a 'molecular surgery' process using tiny ne..
Workload and a better work/life balance are the main reasons teachers leave or consider leaving the profession within 10 years, a new survey of 1,200 teachers finds. The nature not the quantity of the..
Microsoft’s March patches are in reasonably good shape, as I explained earlier this week. Since that relatively clean bill of health, we’ve had some clarification about the missing second March cumula..
Remember those old-fashioned home security systems? The ones with the big stickers in the window that let everyone know your home is protected. Like so many other things—landline phones, cable TV—digi..
It’s the 1980s, and the company that pilot fish works for gets its backup power from a system that uses multiple motorcycle batteries. It can provide power to the company’s computers for hours.
Which ..
One of the hip terms that you hear a great deal in Silicon Valley is “fail fast.” This means to find out what does not work so you can move on to what does. It’s solid advice, for the most part.