Study debunks ‘depression genes’ hypotheses
A new study assessing data from 620,000 individuals found that the 18 most highly-studied candidate genes for depression are no more associated with depression than randomly chosen genes.
A new study assessing data from 620,000 individuals found that the 18 most highly-studied candidate genes for depression are no more associated with depression than randomly chosen genes.
Allowing for more quality measures in the federal government's Quality Star Rating program would create a fairer and more equitable model for assessing the level of quality at US acute-care hospi..
Description of genes involved in sugarcane root cell separation could lead to the development of varieties with softened cell walls similar to those of papaya, boosting the production of second-genera..
Biologists have examined the factors that drive the predation levels of Australia's fairy wrens. After measuring attack rates on both conspicuously and dull colored 3D fairy wren models in variou..
The difficulty in spotting minute amounts of disease circulating in the bloodstream has proven a stumbling block in the detection and treatment of cancers that advance stealthily with few symptoms. Wi..
Efforts to curtail the flow of cocaine into the United States from South America have made drug trafficking operations more widespread and harder to eradicate.
Metastatic ovarian, prostate and breast cancers are notoriously difficult to treat and often deadly. Now, researchers have revealed a new role for the CDK12 protein.
Data scientist is one of the hottest jobs in IT. What’s more, it's the best job you can get, period, according to data from Glassdoor. If you're looking to get into this field, or you want t..
I’ve been predicting for a while that Microsoft is moving us away from its PC-centric Windows operating system to a cloud-based rental version of Windows. Now, with the Windows Virtual Desktop beta fi..
Berkeley's soda tax election may have played a major role in changing drinking habits in the city, a new study shows. An analysis of food and drink purchases at UC Berkeley-owned dining facilitie..