
Stigmatizing views and myths about psoriasis are pervasive in the United States

The stigma associated with the autoimmune disease psoriasis may lead people to avoid patients who show signs of the condition, including not wanting to date, shake hands, or have people in their homes if they suffer from the disease. New multidisciplinary research involving both psychologists and dermatologists is the first to examine how common this stigma may be among the general population of the United States as well as among medical students.

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Novel role of protein in important pathways that lead to cancer malignancy

Researchers have revealed for the first time that a specific protein, the fatty acid-binding protein 5 (FABP5), plays a critical role in the development and metastasis of highly aggressive prostate and breast cancer cells. They point out that a better understanding of the molecular pathways of specific cancers is a step in the direction of finding more effective therapeutic targets.

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Genetically encoded sensor tracks changes in oxygen levels with very high sensitivity

Based on a protein from E. coli, scientists have developed a fluorescent protein sensor able to provide real-time information on dynamic changes in oxygen levels with very high sensitivity. As the oxygen level is a major determinant of cellular function, the idea behind this sensor may revolutionize our ability to detect cellular changes of critical importance, such as in tumors and following stroke and heart attack.

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