Ultrathin, ultralight ‘nanocardboard’
Engineers have demonstrated a new material they call 'nanocardboard,' an ultrathin equivalent of corrugated paper cardboard. A square centimeter of nanocardboard weighs less than a thousandt..
Engineers have demonstrated a new material they call 'nanocardboard,' an ultrathin equivalent of corrugated paper cardboard. A square centimeter of nanocardboard weighs less than a thousandt..
Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but icons may be even more powerful in nudging people to disclose more information online, according to an interdisciplinary team.
Researchers found that frequent, persistent back pain is associated with earlier death in a study of more than 8,000 older women who were followed for an average of 14 years.
Scientists have discovered the inner workings of a known 'speed gene', which directly affects skeletal muscle growth and, in turn, race distance aptitude in thoroughbred racehorses. Their fi..
Researchers are adding specific details on landslides to the Nevada map of known hazards.
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is, along with DNA and protein, one of the three primary biological macromolecules and was probably the first to arise in early life forms. Chemists have developed a new synthet..
Rising ocean temperatures are putting fur seal pups at greater risk of death from hookworm infections, according to new findings.
New research shows how metastatic melanoma becomes resistant to a common class of targeted therapy.
Lack of varied seasons and temperatures in tropical mountains have led to species that are highly adapted to their narrow niches, creating the right conditions for new species to arise in these areas,..
A novel computational tool called ADmiRE extensively annotates human microRNA variants to determine which ones are likely to contribute to or cause diseases.