The Digimon Reference You Might Have Missed In The Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Premiere
Hey, remember Digimon?
Hey, remember Digimon?
Critics sound off on social media about their reactions to the film.
Superman: Legacy just added three more heroes to the roster.
Time to get the Star Wars Rebels band back together.
This looks like it could be something special.
Considering what actually made it into the final cut, you *know* these deleted scenes must have crossed the line.
It's Prime Day 2023, and there are a bunch of 4K and Blu-ray movies and TV shows available for sale right now. Get them while you can!
We may be entering a new era of cult films.
The latest Star Wars series arrives in August.
The actor will go from eating people to making chocolate in the upcoming musical origin story film.