A New Animated Watchmen Movie Is Coming From DC In 2024
At this year's Comic-Con DC Studios made two exciting announcements: the upcoming release of a new Watchmen movie and Justice League: Crisis on I..
At this year's Comic-Con DC Studios made two exciting announcements: the upcoming release of a new Watchmen movie and Justice League: Crisis on I..
'The biggest challenge was finding the balance between my point of view as a director and as a comic book nerd.'
'It wasn't just part of the production design…'
The undead are walking once again.
Great news for dudes who like doing Rick & Morty impressions.
Like many other Christopher Nolan movies, this one has an unconventional structure.
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaur … attractions.
“We've got to show the Trinity test, we've got to show the destruction of that; I don't want to use any computer graphics for that.”
'Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices.'