Mike Judge and Greg Daniels, the duo who brought us "King of the Hill," are collaborating on a brand new adult animated series that will be developed by Peacock (via The Hollywood Reporter). Judge and Daniels have significant comedy credits to their name — while Daniels is recognized for the U.S. version of "The Office," co-creating "Parks and Recreation," and writing for "The Simpsons," Judge is known for shows like "Beavis and Butt-Head" and "Silicon Valley," among others.
The screenwriters' animation company Bandera is getting ready to go into business with Peacock, and if "Best Buds" receives a series order, it would be the streamer's first adult animated show. Here's all we know about it.
An Animated Series For Adults
Lately, animation has become an excellent tool for storytellers to break past the boundaries drawn by live-action. Streamers can employ animation to create both mature and profound content with detailed depictions of adult themes. Animated stories aren't just for kids — they can be entertaining for adults, too. While Peacock has yet to branch into animation for more mature audiences, other streaming services have taken note, with shows like "BoJack Horseman," "Arcane," and "Rick and Morty" taking the entertainment world by storm.
Judge and Daniel's "Best Buds" will follow the story of Calvin, who works at his family-owned flower shop (called Best Buds), often described as the "crown jewel of the local strip mall." When Calvin's best friend Evelyn returns to town after dropping out of grad school, she gets a job at the flower shop, and the two work together to bring the store out of the 1980s into the present world. "Best Buds" will be produced by Universal Television and comes from writers-creators Catie Delaney and Caleb Hearon.
The Crew Behind Best Buds
The series will be produced by Judge and Daniels, along with Delaney ("Rick and Morty") and Dustin Davis from Bandera Entertainment (Judge and Daniels' animation company). Animator Joe Bennett will also executive produce the series. While there's no information about the show's voice cast or the release date yet, we can be sure to expect great things from "Best Buds." Bandera (which launched in January 2022) has multiple shows on its roster. There's "Bad Crimes" up on Netflix, "Praise Petey" at Freeform, and the Sasha Baron Cohen-starrer "Chelm: The Smartest Place on Earth" at HBO Max.
Moreover, Mike Judge and Greg Daniels have discussed a potential revival of "King of the Hill." The beloved animated series that followed the life of an everyday Texas resident ended in 2010, and the co-creators hope to begin anew, kickstarting the revival with a time-jump and taking it from there. Here's hoping the revival goes into development soon.
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The post Best Buds: Everything We Know So Far About the Mike Judge Animated Comedy at Peacock appeared first on /Film.