Actor Alex Wolff, who was last seen in Michael Sarnoski's critically acclaimed film "Pig," has found his next project. The actor will star in Oscar-winning filmmaker Aaron Schneider's "Untold" (via Deadline), a Holocaust survival drama based on the autobiography "I Escaped From Auschwitz" penned by Holocaust survivor Rudolf Vrba. The remarkable story is a firsthand account of Vrba's experiences as a registrar at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest German Nazi concentration camp and extermination center in German-occupied Poland, and documents the heroic tale of his escape. His memoir is supported by testimonies that illustrate the unbearable, vivid horror he experienced during his 21-month internment.

Alex Wolff will portray Vrba in the film with Schneider at the helm. The filmmaker's latest slew of projects includes the Oscar and British Academy-nominated "Greyhound," the Apple TV World War II drama starring Tom Hanks. Schneider won the Academy Award back in 2003 for "Two Soldiers" under the best live-action short film category.

The Story Of Untold

"Hereditary" star Alex Wolff is set to play the real-life Holocaust survivor in "Untold." The drama will depict the incredible true story of Vrba's bravery and how along with his friend Fred and mentor Franz, he achieved the impossible. The group overcame obstacle after obstacle and became the first prisoners to escape Auschwitz. The three fled across 100 miles of Nazi-controlled German territory to bring the Vrba-Wetzler report to the rest of the world. The document is an eyewitness account of the horrors inflicted inside the concentration camp in secrecy. The record is credited with saving hundreds of lives, thanks to its clear documentation of life and death at Auschwitz.

Wolff is known for playing some intense roles. If you've seen his haunting performance in Ari Aster's "Hereditary," a tale of grief, trauma, and, well, ancient demon worshipping, you already know how immensely talented he is. Casting is underway for other major roles, and filming is expected to begin in early 2023.

The Team Behind Untold

Vrba's memoir "I Escaped From Auschwitz" was adapted by "The Blacklist" screenwriters Evan Partner and Paul Hilborn, in collaboration with producer Ben Shields ("Holler") back in 2020. Brian O'Shea will produce the drama, Orogen Entertainment CEO and president Blair Ward will executive produce alongside screenwriters Partner and Hilborn. While the memoir is the basis for the story, Deadline's report reveals that Vrba's widow, Robin Vrba, provided "invaluable story details, recollections and pictures."

The project will be a solemn glimpse into the horror and devastation experienced by the victims at concentration camps. While the memoir is intense and promises to leave readers reeling at the terrors faced by those during the Holocaust, it also allows them to discover an extraordinary story of heroism and courage shown by people when all hope had been lost.

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The post Untold: Everything We Know So Far About the Holocaust Survival Drama Starring Alex Wolff appeared first on /Film.