"My Hero Academia" has dropped a new trailer for its upcoming sixth season, which is due to arrive on the Crunchyroll streaming service this fall. The anime series based on the long-running manga by Kōhei Horikoshi is bracing for all-out war in season 6, as it prepares to bring viewers an adaptation of the "Paranormal Liberation War" story arc.
Produced by Bones, the animation studio behind Netflix's "Super Crooks" and "Godzilla Singular Point," "My Hero Academia" is set in a world where superpowers are the norm, wielded as "Quirks" by heroes and villains alike. The series centers on the green-haired Izuku Midoriya, aka Deku, voiced by Daiki Yamashita in Japanese and Justin Briner in English. At the beginning of the series, Izuki is Quirkless, but after being taken under the wing of the legendary All Might, he inherits powers and eventually find himself coming into conflict with the villainous Tomura Shigaraki, voiced by Koki Uchiyama in Japanese and Eric Vale in English.
Speaking of languages, the "My Hero Academia" season 6 trailer is in Japanese, but if you hit the "CC" (Closed Captions) button on the embedded YouTube player, you can see it with English subtitles. Check it out, below.
My Hero Academia Season 6 Trailer
In the "My Hero Academia" manga, the "Paranormal Liberation War" arc played out from chapters 253 to 306. That's a lot of ground to cover for one season of television, so although previous seasons of the anime show have adapted one or more story arcs, it's possible season 6 will be limited to this one, or that they may even break it up and have the "Paranormal Liberation War" carry over into season 7.
There are currently 34 collected tankōbon volumes (the Japanese equivalent of trade paperbacks) of the "My Hero Academia" manga that have been published. The last two, published in Japan this year, have not been released in English yet, but they bring the total number of collected chapters up to 339.
Beyond that, there are an additional 16 chapters (chapters 340 through 355) that have been published in issues of the "Weekly Shōnen Jump" magazine in 2022, but have not yet received the collected tankōbon treatment. In short, the manga is over a hundred chapters ahead of the anime, which means that fans can probably look forward to many more episodes of "My Hero Academia" to come. The series already has a whopping 113 episodes under its belt, and its sixth season will hit Crunchyroll this fall.
Read this next: 14 Anime Shows To Watch If You Love My Hero Academia
The post My Hero Academia Season 6 Trailer: Prepare for the Paranormal Liberation War appeared first on /Film.