"Monsters at Work," the follow-up series to the iconic Pixar film "Monsters, Inc.", premiered on Disney+ in July 2021. Taking place directly after the events of the 2001 film, it showcases the employees of Monsters, Incorporated as they implement their transition from scare power to laugh power. Best friends and former scarers Mike (Billy Crystal) and Sulley (John Goodman) are helping to lead the charge, teaching employees both new and seasoned the benefits of making children laugh rather than cry. One of these new employees is Tylor (Ben Feldman), who aims to climb the ranks of the company to become a jokester.
Given its ties to a popular pair of movies (the prequel film "Monsters University" was released in 2013), it shouldn't be a surprise that there was quite a bit of fanfare around "Monsters at Work." However, for a long time, there had not been any word on whether the series had been renewed for a second season … until now.
Disney+ has now officially confirmed that a new season of "Monsters at Work" is in the works — although you might have to wait a while to see it.
What To Expect From 'Monsters At Work' Season 2
On June 15, Disney+ released a teaser trailer confirming that "Monsters at Work" has been renewed. The teaser combines clips from the first season with all the clips featuring the show's colorful cast of characters saying the number "two." At the end, the teaser shows the "Monsters at Work" logo along with a tentative release date of 2023.
Exactly when in 2023 the second season of "Monsters at Work" will premiere is still currently unknown. However, this release date is not surprising given that the show is completely computer-animated. Disney Television Animation and the artists behind bringing the show to life are juggling many different projects across Disney+, Disney Channel, and Disney Junior.
As for what the second season will be about, it will likely continue the stories of Mike, Sulley, and Tylor as they navigate the Monsters Incorporated laugh power transition. After their company faced closure at the end of the first season, Tylor was finally promoted to the position of jokester, while Mike and Sulley proved the power of laugh energy to their naysayers and saved the company. And at the very end of the season, the show caught up to the epilogue to the original movie and showed an alternate view of what happened on the floor, revealing Tylor's new partner and revealing his new laugh assistant. This could lay the groundwork for some interesting scenarios, but we'll have to see what those are when the second season of "Monsters at Work" hits Disney+ in 2023.
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The post Will There Be a Season 2 of Monsters at Work? appeared first on /Film.