The Emmy award-winning animated anthology series "Love, Death + Robots" is back for a third installment of, well, love, death, and robots! This season will see the series' first sequel episode, with a short dedicated to the "Three Robots" that stole everyone's heart in season 1. It also sees the return of acclaimed director Alberto Mielgo, whose short "The Witness" in season 1 earned the series three of its Emmy awards, and the animation directorial debut of David Fincher, which isn't anything to sneeze at.
The new season is just a day away, with all nine shorts debuting on Netflix on May 20, 2022, and they've released one final trailer to see if they can snag more viewers. Check it out below, and get ready for some more high-adrenaline, hilarious, and heartfelt shorts.
A Third Helping Of Love, Death + Robots
The trailer shows off brief clips from the nine shorts that will appear this season, beginning with Mielgo's stunning and eerie "Jibaro," about a deaf warrior and a siren entangled in a dance of death. There are also shots from the Fincher-directed "Bad Travelling," the vacationing three robots back from season 1, and more. The entire thing is set to the piece "Dream" by spoken-word artist Alan Watts, along with the song "Lord & Master" by electronic artist Apashe.
One of the best things about "Love, Death + Robots" is the variety of animation styles and stories on display, and it looks like season 3 will be no different. "Jibaro" uses hand-painted images mixed with computer-generated 3D imagery to bring medieval illuminated paintings to life, while the three robots look more like something straight out of Pixar.
There seems to be a little something for everyone, with darker adult stories like "Jibaro" and "Bad Travelling" sitting alongside more humorous entries like "Three Robots: Exit Strategies" and the "Expendables" parody "Kill Team Kill," directed by "Kung Fu Panda 2" helmer Jennifer Yuh Nelson. The full line-up also includes moon exploration tale "The Very Pulse of the Machine," zombie satire "Night of the Mini Dead," cyberpunk author Bruce Sterling's "Swarm," the ratpocalypse in Scotland story "Mason's Rats," and Special Forces soldiers vs. elder gods in "In Vaulted Halls Entombed." Among the talented voice cast are Rosario Dawson, Joel McHale, Craig Ferguson, Dan Stevens, Joe Manganiello, Jai Courtney, and more.
Fans can check out all of the shorts when they drop tomorrow, May 20, 2022, exclusively on Netflix. Get ready to laugh, cry, scream, and have a whole heck of a lot of robot-inspired fun.
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The post Love, Death + Robots Season 3 Trailer 2: It's Time to Awaken from This Illusion appeared first on /Film.