Noah Hawley, the creative mind behind the television series "Fargo" and "Legion," is making a heist movie for Netflix with "Bridgerton" star Regé-Jean Page on board in a lead role. Joe and Anthony Russo, the directing duo behind many MCU films including "Avengers: Endgame" and "Captain America: Civil War" are also producing the project along with their colleague Mike Larocca via their company, AGBO.

We don't know much more about the feature as of yet, except that Hawley had the original idea and it involves heist-type shenanigans. Page is also on board to executive produce along with Angela Russo-Otstot.

A Heist Thriller With Big Talent

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the project will be a heist thriller, and everyone involved is, of course, very excited. "AGBO was originally founded to allow us to collaborate with artists we greatly respect and admire," Larocca said in a statement to the trade. "We are very happy to continue to fulfill that pledge by supporting this new film from Noah Hawley and Regé-Jean Page."

This won't be the first time Page and the Russo Brothers have worked together on a project — they previously collaborated on "The Gray Man," a film starring Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling.

This heist thriller is one of many exciting new projects for Page. His role as the dashing Duke of Hastings in "Bridgerton" made him widely known, and he's set to be in Paramount's upcoming "Dungeons & Dragons" feature as well as the lead in a reboot of "The Saint."

Page has also been on the shortlist of who the internet thinks should be the next James Bond, a role I have no doubt he would excel at as well. While we don't know who he will play in this Netflix project, I'm sure he'll do the character justice and be very convincing when he steals something (assuming he's the one doing the stealing).

Given that the premise stems from Hawley, I can't help but think this won't be a simple, straightforward heist film. Those who've watched FX's "Legion" know that his creative mind can go to some weird, wonderful places, and I'm curious to see how his sensibilities translate to this new style.

This project is still in the very early days, so no news yet on when the film will go into production, much less make its way to Netflix.

Read this next: The 20 Best Heist Movies Of All Time

The post Noah Hawley and the Russo Bros. Are Making a Heist Movie With Bridgerton Star Rege-Jean Page appeared first on /Film.