Greg Berlanti’s CW superhero show universe, otherwise known as the “Arrowverse,” is known for being proud and progressive with its depiction of comic book heroes. The Arrowverse has the first lesbian superhero show, diverse casts, several female-led TV shows. But the CW’s upcoming Superman & Lois may be facing issues related to sexism and racism, according to a recently fired writer for the series.
TV writer Nadria Tucker, whose previous credits include Underground and a story editor position on Syfy’s Krypton, claimed that he has been let go from the writer’s room of the CW’s Superman & Lois for calling out issues of racism and sexism within the scripts.
In a series of tweets, the writer said, “Some personal news: Wednesday I got word that my contract on Superman and Lois won’t be extended, my services no longer needed, my outline and draft subpar (obviously I disagree with that last bit lol). This, after months of me flagging #metoo jokes in dialogue, of me defending the Bechdel test, of me FIGHTING to ensure the only Black faces on screen aren’t villains, of me pitching stories for female characters (there’s one in the title of the series!) that went ignored.”
Tucker added, “If I sound bitter, it’s because this one stings. I’ve been assured by colleagues that I was great in the room, so I know I’m not nuts. I debated whether to post this but my own mental wellbeing demands that I do. The only way shit changes is to expose it.”
Some personal news: Wednesday I got word that my contract on Superman and Lois won't be extended, my services no longer needed, my outline and draft subpar (obviously I disagree with that last bit lol). This, after months of me flagging #metoo jokes in dialogue 1/2
— Nadria?? (@NadriaTucker) November 6, 2020
I've been assured by colleagues that I was great in the room, so I know I'm not nuts. I debated whether to post this but my own mental wellbeing demands that I do. The only way shit changes is to expose it. ??? /end
— Nadria?? (@NadriaTucker) November 6, 2020
No comment has been made yet on Tucker’s allegations by the CW, nor by CW superhero maestro Greg Berlanti, who developed Superman & Lois alongside The Flash‘s Todd Helbing, who serves as executive producer and showrunner on the show. But Tucker’s claims don’t bode well for the series, which features one of DC Comics’ most famous female characters — and one known for being an avowed feminist — in its title, Lois Lane. But this wouldn’t be the Arrowverse’s first brush with controversy: in 2017, prominent Arrowverse writer-producer Andrew Kreisberg, who served as executive producer on both The Flash and Supergirl, was fired following allegations of sexual harassment. The Flash actor Hartley Sawyer was also fired after racist, misogynist tweets resurfaced.
Superman & Lois is currently scheduled for a February 2021 debut and is set to star Tyler Hoechlin and Bitsie Tulloch as Clark Kent and Lois Lane, respectively, reprising the roles they debuted in Supergirl as the two of them navigate the double lives of raising kids and being superheroes both in journalism and in city-wide battles.
The post ‘Superman & Lois’ Writer Nadria Tucker Says She Was Fired After Raising Issues With CW Show’s Sexism and Racism appeared first on /Film.