The Knick, one of the best shows of the 21st century, is coming back. Created by Jack Amiel and Michael Begler, the Cinemax series ran for two seasons, with Steven Soderberg directing all 20 episodes. Cinemax canceled the show after two seasons, but Soderbergh and company were able to wrap things up, albeit in surprising, often unsettling ways. Still, fans have longed for more, and it sounds like we’re finally going to get it, thanks to Barry Jenkins and Knick star André Holland.
The Playlist has the scoop on The Knick season 3. Or is it a reboot? The details are a tad vague, but Steven Soderberg, who directed the entire run of the original series, confirmed that something is going on. About two years ago, a rumor surfaced that Barry Jenkins and The Knick co-star André Holland were in the process of planning some sort of revival to the series, which was set primarily in the fictional Knickerbocker Hospital in 1900 New York City. In a new interview, The Playlist asked Soderbergh directly if there was any truth to this rumor, and Soderberg replied: “Yeah. [André] and Barry took that on. I told them, ‘Look, I had, I had my shot. Godspeed, take it in whatever direction you want.'”
This news is a tad bittersweet because it has Soderbergh confirming that if and when The Knick returns, he won’t be directing it. Don’t get me wrong: Barry Jenkins is a fantastic filmmaker, and I’m always excited to see his work. But the series as it existed perfectly fit Soderbergh’s directing style, and to have it go on without him behind the camera will be a bit of a letdown.
On the flip side, any new Knick episodes are worth celebrating. As I said above, Jenkins is a great director. And Holland is a great actor. So while I may miss Soderbergh’s touch, I can’t really complain. This new season (or version) of The Knick would almost certainly focus on Holland’s character Dr. Algernon C. Edwards, who was the sole Black doctor at the Knickerbocker – something that resulted in constant scorn from those around him. The Knick was an ensemble piece, but Clive Owen’s character Dr. John W. “Thack” Thackery was the lead. However, the finale of season 2 certainly paved the way for Algernon to take center stage.
Soderbergh was cagey about giving away specific details, and he didn’t want to confirm how much of the new series Jenkins was going to direct, simply stating: “I’m very passive on that. That’s all Barry’s baby.” However, Soderbergh did confirm that The Knick creators and writers Jack Amiel and Michael Begler were involved, and that they’ve already penned a pilot: “[André and Barry] came up with a really great approach with Jack and Michael. And that seems to be advancing rapidly. I just read the pilot, which is terrific.”
We’ll hopefully know more about The Knick season 3 soon.
The post ‘The Knick’ Season 3 Being Developed by Barry Jenkins and André Holland appeared first on /Film.