Mark Hamill is best known for playing Luke Skywalker in the Star Wars saga, but he’s also a renowned voice actor. That’s why Hamill also lent his voice to some extra characters in the galaxy far, far away, but it turns out there’s even more that Mark Hamill did as a voice actor than previously known.

Recently, the documentary series Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian revealed that Mark Hamill lent his voice to the droid EV-9D9 in an episode of the live-action Star Wars series on Disney+. That prompted Hamill to confirm on social media that he has extra voice roles in the Star Wars universe outside of the ones we already knew about.

Here’s what Mark Hamill posted on Twitter over the weekend after news spread of his part in The Mandalorian:

Now that @themandalorian secret is out-might as well reveal I am vocally represented in ALL SW films except the Prequels. Thanks to @matthewood for using me in Rogue One, Solo & the Sequels, so I DO have lines in #EpVII. Hint: Look for parts played by Patrick Williams.#TrueStory

— Mark Hamill (@HamillHimself) June 20, 2020

We previously reported that Mark Hamill voiced and did motion capture for the little alien called Dobbu Scay in the casino on Canto Bight in Star Wars: The Last Jedi because his name was listed in the credits. As for The Rise of Skywalker, that’s where you’ll find the pseudonym “Patrick Williams” listed as voicing the character Boolio, the alien who is spying on the First Order for the Resistance at the beginning of the movie.

Unfortunately, Hamill’s hint of looking for Patrick Williams in the credits of the rest of the Star Wars movies doesn’t get us anywhere. He’s not listed in any of the credits for The Force Awakens, Rogue One, or Solo. We’re trying to get more information on the roles Hamill played in these movies, so stay tuned to see what we learn.

In the meantime, here are some of the other voice roles Mark Hamill has done that you may not know about:

The post Mark Hamill Confirms Extra Roles in All ‘Star Wars’ Movies Except the Prequels appeared first on /Film.