Daria, the pinnacle of ’90s animated irony, is entering the modern age with a new animated spin-off series titled Jodie. Comedy Central has given a series order to Jodie, which will star Golden Globe winner Tracee Ellis Ross as the voice of the titular lead. Created and written by Grace Edwards (Insecure, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt), Jodie follows one of Daria’s friends in Lawndale High as she graduates college and enters the workforce.

Deadline reports that the Daria spin-off series Jodie has found a home at Comedy Central. Created and written by Grace Edwards, Jodie will follow Jodie Landon (previously voiced by Jessica Cydnee Jackson), one of Daria’s friends in Lawndale High who first appeared in the first season of Daria. The spin-off picks up with Jodie as she graduates from college and enters the real world (so to speak). Black-ish star Tracee Ellis Ross, who has also signed on to executive produce, makes her animated debut as the voice of Jodie.

Here is the logline for Jodie, per Deadline:

What Daria did for showing how inane high school was for Gen X, Jodie will do for exploring the trials and tribulations of a first job for a new generation. The show will satirize workplace culture, Gen Z struggles, the artifice of social media and more. With themes of empowerment along gender and racial lines, explorations of privilege, and a wicked sense of humor, the series will shine a light on the personal and professional issues young Black women face today.

The network has picked up the adult animated series from creator Grace Edwards in a shift to build a bigger catalogue of adult animated comedies. While Jodie is still created by MTV Studios, which has several Daria-related shows in the pipeline, it will be air on its fellow Viacom CBS network Comedy Central, where it will likely be paired with South Park.

Jodie will be just one of the titles in MTV Studios’ Daria expanded universe, but based on its subject matter, it seems like it will be the most current series. Hollywood is showing a greater interest in promoting Black-led projects lately in the wake of the renewed Black Lives Matter movement, and Jodie sounds like it will be a relatable and relevant comedy for today. It’s fascinating yo watch the long legacy that Daria has left, itself an animated spin-off of Mike Judge’s Beavis and Butt-Head. Created by Glenn Eichler and Susie Lewis Lynn, Daria ran on-air for 5 seasons on MTV and became a cult classic for its feminist slant and sharp sense of humor.

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