One step closer to chronic pain relief
While effective drugs against chronic pain are not just around the corner, researchers have succeeded in identifying a protein as a future potential target for medicinal drugs. Basic research shows th..
While effective drugs against chronic pain are not just around the corner, researchers have succeeded in identifying a protein as a future potential target for medicinal drugs. Basic research shows th..
New research demonstrates that upbeat music can make a rigorous workout seem less tough. Even for people who are insufficiently active.
From effective medicines to molecular sensors to fuel cells, metal clusters are becoming fundamentally useful in the health, environment, and energy sectors. This diverse functionality of clusters ari..
New research settles a longstanding debate about whether the most ancient animal communities were deliberately mobile. It turns out they were, because they were hungry.
Researchers have conducted a census of the Japanese population around 2,500 years ago using the Y chromosomes of men living on the main islands of modern-day Japan. This is the first time analysis of ..
A research team has used graphene and microfluidics to identify stomach-cancer causing bacteria by detecting chemical reactions of the bacteria at the surface of the biosensor. The sensor is highly se..
A new type of computer memory to solve the digital technology energy crisis has been invented and patented by scientists. The device is the realization of the decades long search for a 'Universal..
A team of researchers has compiled the first and only evidence that narwhals and beluga whales can breed successfully. DNA and stable isotope analysis of an anomalous skull from the Natural History Mu..
Groundwater pumping in the last century has contributed as much as 50% to stream flow declines in some US rivers. This is the first study to examine the impact of past groundwater pumping across the e..
New insights into how people first arrived in Australia have determined the likely routes travelled by Aboriginal people tens of thousands of years ago along with the sizes of groups required for the ..