Why a warmer world may equal a wetter Arctic
As the Arctic warms, it's predicted to get wetter. But why? A new study looks to history for answers, examining what happened in the region during a period of warming some 8,000 years ago. The re..
As the Arctic warms, it's predicted to get wetter. But why? A new study looks to history for answers, examining what happened in the region during a period of warming some 8,000 years ago. The re..
Researchers have developed an artificial photosynthesis device called a ''hybrid photoelectrochemical and voltaic (HPEV) cell'' that turns sunlight and water into two types of ener..
A new strategy to enhance the activity of proteasome inhibitors (PIs), which are standard-of-care agents in the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), was recently reported. The study introduces a new dr..
Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices is a widely used standardized test to measure reasoning ability. One drawback, however, is that the test takes 40 to 60 minutes to complete. Another is that ..
Researchers determine that particle-forming sulfur dioxide is the most damaging pollutant from Texas' coal-fired power plants that lack equipment to scrub emissions.
Climate scientists have not been properly accounting for what plants do at night, and that, it turns out, is a mistake. A new study has found that plant nutrient uptake in the absence of photosynthesi..
Astronomers have witnessed, in the finest detail ever, the slow death of a neighboring dwarf galaxy, which is gradually losing its power to form stars.
With a growing world population and climate challenges that are causing agricultural areas to shrink, many are wondering where sustainable food will come from in the future. A professor of gastrophysi..
The electricity requirements of Bitcoin have created considerable difficulties, and extensive online discussion, about where to put the facilities or rings that compute the proof-of-work of Bitcoin. A..
A new study suggests that early hominin dispersals beyond Africa did not involve adaptations to environmental extremes, such as to arid and harsh deserts. The discovery of stone tools and cut-marks on..